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Big ass sex dolls are definitely one of the best-selling love dolls and are preferred by most men who admire women with curvy big ass. They are perfect love dolls for those seeking to have a big butt lover with big hips and curvy ass. Made with TPE material that’s super soft, big ass sex dolls have big butts that are full of elasticity. With a big ass sex doll, you can be sure to have a sexual experience that will always be mind-blowing and out of this world.


Why you should get a big ass sex doll

Research says that most men prefer women who have fuller and curvier butts for many reasons. Having a big ass is definitely an advantage when it comes to being more gorgeous, looking more fashionable in an outfit, and arousing a man’s fantasy and imagination. Apart from looking more attractive biologically, women with a big butt are also deemed as more intuitive and big-hearted.

Big ass sex dolls have a strong butt that gives them a fuller and leaner look. They have better-looking posture and they look great in a number of varying outfits. This means it will always be easy to dress them up without worrying about how they would look afterwards.    


Enjoy more fun and pleasurable moments with a customized sex doll

Both male and female big ass sex dolls have customizable options which are readily available for any keen prospective owner. These sex dolls come in a variety of styles and body features to match your wants in a perfect big butt sex doll. You can customize your love doll’s hair color, hair length, facial features such face and nose shape, color of the lips and eyes, and sizes of body parts such as the breasts, tits, waist, and hips. There are also a number of varying genitalia sizes that range from small to big. All of these features can be considered as options for customizing your big ass sex doll.

Choose the best sex positions with a big ass sex doll

With a big ass sex doll, you can enjoy a number of sex positions that would certainly make any sexual activity something that you’d always look forward to every day. These include anal sex, missionary style, doggy style, cowgirl style, bent over, and against the wall which allows you to have sex in showers and balconies.

How to take care of a big ass sex doll

For the best experience, always use water-based lubricants to make sure that your sex doll will be protected from any tear or breakage. Wash your sex doll at least every two weeks using mild soap and water. If your doll comes with a removable butt hole, you can do the cleaning process more easily and hassle-free. Choose fragrance and antibacterial soaps on your love doll to kill off the germs as well as to give your sex doll a sweet smell.

Avoid using old cleaning agents and electric driers on your love doll. Keep your sex doll away from sharp objects. For damage-free storage, do not keep your love doll in areas that are exposed to too much sunlight. Lastly, never put your big ass sex doll in a place that’s too dusty to avoid the accumulation of dust on your love doll.